US Dollar (USD) is expected to trade between 7.2200 and 7.2430 vs Chinese Yuan (CNH). In the longer run, сurrent price movements are likely part of a 7.2100/7.2800 consolidation range, UOB Group’s FX analysts Quek Ser Leang and Peter Chia note.
Current price movements are likely part of a consolidation range
24-HOUR VIEW: “We expected USD to ‘trade between 7.2200 and 7.2430 yesterday.’ USD then traded in a narrower range of 7.2215/7.2371, ending the day little changed at 7.2274 (+0.02%). The price action provides no fresh clues, and we continue to expect USD to trade between 7.2200 and 7.2430.”
1-3 WEEKS VIEW: “Our most recent narrative was from last Friday (14 Mar, spot at 7.2490), wherein ‘the current price movements are likely part of a 7.2100/7.2800 consolidation range.’ USD traded in a relatively quiet manner over the past few days and there is no change in our view.”